Tuesday, May 03, 2005

back in my day

I was having a discussion with a coworker recently. I asked her if she would let her son get his ear pierced. She said that she would not. She also said that she had let her daughter have it done though. Her reasoning was that "back in her day" only homosexual guys would get their ears pierced. I found 2 problems with this.

1. Nowadays this is not the case. Many boys and young men have their ears pierced regardless of their sexual orientation.

2. The "back in my day" excuse is used instead of a logical reason. "Back in my day" gives no reason of the rightness or wrongness of an issue.

I pointed out to her that back in other people's days that she wouldn't be allowed to vote. I guess "back in my day" is acceptable to some, as long is it doesn't hinder their own personal freedoms.

Robin: because I know you will ask...the answer is Nikki.


reppepper said...

I'm curious about her reaction to your voting argument. I confess to having giggled at that.

Tony said...

The conversation pretty much ended at that point. She put on her "because I say so" face. I recognized as my father still uses it to this day.