Saturday, December 31, 2005

it's a's a's, it's just Tony

This past Thursday (Dec. 29th) I went to the liquor store with my friend Fiona. While she was paying for her bottle of wine one of the other staff at the store said to the manager that some guy had just snuck out with a bottle and was running across the parking lot. I followed the manager out of the store. He yelled to the guy that he was "on camera" and returned to the store. I was irritated and thought I might be able to catch up with the I started running. He was heading towards County Park. I was gaining ground but I was also getting tired. Apparently he was too. The chase slowed to a fast walk. Eventually once he got inside County Park he realized I wasn't giving up and I was gaining ground. He just stopped. I walked up to him and told him that I would follow him home anyways so he might as well just give me the bottle. He took it out of his bag and gave it to me. I looked in the bag to see if he had any other booze...nope. I walked back to the liquor store wheezing and out of breath. The run in the cool air aggravated my athma. Fiona was waiting outside....she had no idea where I had gone. I went back inside the store and handed the bottle to the manager. He thanked me and asked if I was undercover.


shroomAzoom said...

Right on! Tony the super hero! You've got balls.

Anonymous said...

Ayyyy chum. Give me my damn bottle back u fucking guy...i remember watt u look like dere eh.


Anonymous said...

But Tony...but he may have had a knife!

I don't know why you just don't confess that you were actually running away from me ;-)